Jukasa News Update Monday, November 20, 2017
A new study has found a link between excessive social media use and risk of suicide in teens.
Researchers found that youth spending five or more hours on social media had a 70 percent higher instance of having suicidal thoughts than youth the same age who spent one hour scrolling their newsfeeds.
Doctors looking at the research say the study implies a connection between depression and social media use — and shows the need for more research on new technology.
New guidelines in how medical professionals measure our blood pressure has added nearly 30 million adults into the range of hypertension.
Nearly a dozen medical groups made the announcement on changes to blood pressure readings earlier this month at an American Heart Association conference in California.
Previously a reading of 140 over 90 was catergorized as high. Now medical officials are dropping the previous pre-hypertensive stage of 130 over 80 — now labelling those patients with stage one hypertension — and patients with readings of 140 over 90 with stage two hypertension.
Doctors say while the new advice is controversial — it is also more honest about which patients are at risk for heart attack or stroke.
Six Nations Polytechnic’s Brantford Campus revealed a million dollar renovation to their new facility.
The building was previously home to Mohawk College Elgin Campus.
A federal grant of $5 million dollars was used to make modernize the building.
A new kitchen for the school’s culinary program was installed – as well as campus wide WiFi, LED lighting, new computer labs with video conferencing capabilities and solar rooftop panels.
Six Nations Polytechnic revealed a new website resource for Indigenous peoples and communities to access information on the right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent.
The site gives Indigenous communities information on their inherent rights to decide “yes” or “no” to development industries that would affect their lands, territories, and natural resources.
Officials with Polytech’s Indigenous Knowledge Centre say the website is a tool of self-determination to assist communities in decision making bringing together Indigenous knowledge with the best of modern academic knowledge.
A new smartphone app can help people learn the Mohawk language.
The app was developed by Six Nations Polytechnic and announced at last week’s Indigenous Research Symposium.
The program is a mirror to the Cayuga app Polytech launched last year — and includes common phrases and games to test your knowledge.
It is now available for download on the Apple Store and Google Play
- Previous Jukasa News Update Tuesday, November 14, 2017
- Next Jukasa News Update Wednesday, November 22, 2017
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