Six Nations and Kahnawake confirm no tobacco raids on rez in SQ bust
The Sûreté du Québec (SQ) announced they executed a major contraband tobacco raid, busting what they have called “aboriginal organized crime” at Kahnawake and Six Nations.
The SQ issued a statement saying nearly 60 people were arrested and several locations raided on Kahnawake and Six Nations during the raid.
Six Nations Elected Council released a joint statement with the Six Nations Police refuting the claim of the SQ saying there were no raids or arrests relating to this case on the territory.
The Mohawk Council of Kahnawake also stated raids and arrests were not made in their community.
Sûreté du Québec called the raid a bust on “aboriginal organized crime”, however only four of the 60 accused have been positively identified as indigenous.
Six Nations Elected Council is calling on the SQ to issue a correction. The SQ has not yet responded to that call.
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