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Jukasa News Update Thursday, July 26, 2018


The Ontario Fire Marshall is investigating another possible arson.
According to the Six Nations Police a fire broke out on First Line on July 12.
The fire was extinguished by Six Nations Firefighters.
Fire officials say they believe the fire was intentionally set. Police are seeking additional information about the fire while the Fire Marshall investigates. Anyone with information is asked to call Six Nations Police or Crimestoppers.

Two First Nations in Saskatchewan have filed a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against an energy company responsible for an oil spill that fouled the drinking water supply of thousands of people two years ago.
The James Smith Cree Nation and the Cumberland House Cree Nation are seeking reparations from Husky Energy for the spill in July 2016 that polluted the North Saskatchewan River.
They cite damage caused by the spill and allege Husky hasn’t been willing to work with them to make things right.
Husky “failed or refused to perform remediation steps to mitigate, limit or remove the adverse impact” of the spill.
It also seeks an order requiring Husky to cover the costs of remediating the water, riverbanks and vegetation.

Indigenous child-welfare agencies in Manitoba say the province is acting illegally and immorally by clawing back money earmarked for kids in care.
Six child and family services agencies are taking the Manitoba government to court alleging the province has taken more than $255 million in funds meant for children in care.
Richard De La Ronde, executive director of Sandy Bay Child and Family Services, says in an affidavit that the government is forcing the agency to hand over special allowance payments from the federal government.
He says that if that doesn’t happen, the province reduces funding by at least 20 per cent.

A Newfoundland city councillor says Discovery Day ignores the existence of the province’s Indigenous people calling on the provincial government to find a more “appropriate” name, and asking that the city refer to the holiday as St. John’s Day in the meantime.
Discovery Day is a provincial holiday at the end of June to recognize explorer John Cabot’s arrival to Turtle Island in 1497. The province first celebrated Discovery Day in 1997, 500 years after he made it to shore.
The proposal says using the term “discovery” disregards the presence of Indigenous people who lived in the province long before Cabot’s voyage — and says to say Cabot discovered the province is inaccurate.

The AFN Elections saw a 60% majority elect National Chief Perry Bellegarde for a second term on Wednesday.
Elected chiefs from across Canada gathered in Vancouver at the AFN’s General Assembly to cast their votes.
Controversy broke out when Indigneous Crown Minister Carolyn Bennett showed up to talk with some of the Alberta chiefs.
Two candidates; Sheila North and Russ Diabo said the Ministers presence was inappropriate and said the minister had no business meddling in the AFN on Election Day.

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