Jukasa News Update Wednesday, September 26, 2018
A Six Nations man says the judge who is overseeing his family court proceedings has demonstrated prejudice against him.
Ken Hill has submitted an application, saying Justice James Sloan in the Kitchener Superior Court should recuse himself after the judge demonstrated a bias against him.
Hill said in an affidavit that Sloan allowed court proceedings to proceed without Hill or his lawyers present, including a custody ruling for his son.
Hill also alleges a second judge from the same court has also demonstrated bias against him. Justice Deborah Chappel attempted to squash Hill’s pursuit of a constitutional question determining jurisdiction of Haudenosaunee law on the family law case — saying it was a delay tactic and a waste of time.
The Court of Appeal later struck that judgement and repudiated Chappel for the decision.
A representative for Hill says the case is a clear example of the systemic racism embedded in Canada’s justice system against indigenous people.
The role of the Six Nations men is being hotly debated int he community this week as several collectives say certain voices no longer represent the people.
About five letters have gone back and forth between members of the Six Nations Men’s Fire — claiming five individuals have no authority to speak on behalf of the people.
Those five have clapped back by reminding the community that no one has the authority to take anyone’s voice away.
The five say there is division among the traditional community between those who follow the Gaiwiyo Code of Handsome Lake religion and those who follow the original instructions of the Peacemaker in the Great Law.
In a back to school initiative the Six Nations Police say they are making traffic enforcement a priority.
From Sept 4-21 Police say they laid 83 traffic related charges and handed out 44 warnings on the territory. The majority of those charges related to speeding around school zones.
Six Nations Police would like to remind all motorists to drive defensively and courteously. Obey the speed limits in and around the Community school zones and village areas. Watch carefully for enthusiastic children who may not be watching out themselves.
Avoid speeding in residential neighbourhoods and obey the laws governing school buses.
Six Nations Police ask that everyone please conduct themselves accordingly to ensure the safety of everyone in the Community. Traffic safety is everyone’s responsibility.
Anyone with information about anyone driving in a dangerous or unsafe manner is encouraged to report any information to the Six Nations Police at 519-445-2811 or Crime Stoppers.
Six Nations Police are asking the public to be cautious after a Six Nations resident reported a suspicious vehicle at a Townline residence.
Police say on Monday afternoon at about 4pm a resident observed a white Chevrolet van which had been parked on the side of the road watching children get off the school bus. The van then pulled into a residence and parked behind a structure. The reporting male approached the van and asked the driver what he was doing. The suspect male replied that he was looking
to buy scrap metal — and then fled.
The van is described as a white 2009 Chevrolet Express van with the rear windows covered up.
The only description of the male was that he spoke with a thick accent and was possibly of Asian descent.
Police ware reminding parents to have safety plans in place for students before and after school and when boarding the bus — and say if they see anything suspicious to call police.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Six Nations Police or Crime Stoppers.
Six Nations Elected Council confirmed that a human case of West Nile virus has been confirmed in the community.
The victim has been identified as Six Nations Iroquois pottery artist Steve Smith.
Family members posted an update on Smith’s condition to social media Tuesday say he has a long road forward for his recovery.
A GoFundMe campaign has been launched to help offset costs for his recovery.
West Nile virus can cause severe symptoms such as disorientation, tremors, convulsions and paralysis.
- Previous Jukasa News Update Monday, September 24, 2018
- Next Jukasa News Update Thursday, September 27, 2018
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