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Gala to raise funds for Mohawk language school


Everlasting Tree School will soon be hosting its largest fundraising event.

The Earth Day Gala is a black tie event to celebrate the earth, our languages, our children and our culture.

Amy Bomberry, co-founder of Everlasting Tree School, said that the school runs entirely on grants, money from fundraising events and donations, so funds from the gala will go directly towards continuing the encouraging work the school is doing.

The school was founded in 2010 by a group of parents and teachers seeking a holistic experience in education grounded in Kanyen’keha, the values of Rotinonhsonni culture and the principles of Waldorf Education, which inspires life-long learning using the head, heart and hands.

Tickets for the event cost $125 per person and includes food, entertainment, a silent auction. They are hoping to fundraise $30,000 from the event.

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