Jukasa News Update Wednesday, May 16, 2016
A unified body of indigenous people from across the US and Canada are linking together to sign a declaration against the revival of the Keystone XL pipeline.
The declaration will be signed at a ceremony in Calgary Wednesday.
People from nations in the north and south are making a 16 page long declaration of their treaty rights and opposing the multi billion dollar pipeline project.
The pipeline was reactivated as one of US President Donald Trumps first official moves when he took office earlier this year.
A northern Manitoba reserve is organizing a cull on stray dogs in the area after the body of a woman was found surrounded by 30 dogs.
A 24 year old woman was mauled to death by the pack of dogs.
Chief of the Little Grand Rapids reserve is now offering a bounty of $25 for every animal shot in the cull.
Vets and activists in the area say more efforts are needed to hold spay and neuter clinics in remote communities to combat this crisis.
Indigenous Affairs Minister Carolyn Bennett says she is concerned about the delayed public inquiry into missing and murdered indigenous women in Canada.
A number of critics have spoken publicly about the problems surrounding the inquiry’s processes – including what they claim is a lack of communication between inquiry officials and surviving family members.
So far just under 300 families have contacted the commission to participate in the inquiry process.
The commission has been granted two years to conduct their research. A time frame commissioners are already saying is too short.
OPP say a pedestrian was fatally struck in Hamilton, shutting down the 403 in both directions during evening rush hour.
The collision happened just before 4 p.m. Tuesday when a woman was struck by a transport truck along Highway 403 at the Aberdeen Avenue exit.
Police say there are no signs of foul play.
The coroner’s office is now investigating.
The woman has not yet been identified.
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