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Six Nations delegation in Ottawa to talk land right issues


A delegation from Six Nations are in Ottawa this week to meet with newly elected Members of Parliament and senior government officials to bring awareness to long outstanding land right issues haunting their Nation.

Elected Chief Ava Hill, who is one member of the delegation said she was looking forward to meeting with federal officials taking a special focus on land right issues and the urgent need for a new process.

As the most populated First Nation in the country, more than 12,000 of Six Nations’ residents live on approximately 46,000 acres of land – less than 5 per cent of the land that was unequivocally promised to the Nation.

Having recently made a commitment to enhance and protect Indigenous rights through a renewed nation-to- nation relationship, Six Nations Elected Council is eager to begin working with the new government to resolve these land right issues.

Hill said having the federal government as a partner to resolve serious funding gaps in healthcare, education, culture, infrastructure, social services, and community safety is essential to bring positive change to the economic future of Six Nations.

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