Jukasa News Update Friday, March 31, 2017
Inuit housing crisis needs Ottawa funding
The Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoples says the current housing crisis in Inuit territories will only get worse unless Ottawa makes some fast changes on how they fund housing in the north.
The agency says the federal government needs to make funds both more sustainable accessible in the north, where the cost of living and building are already high.
The report says up to 15 people are noted to be living in and sharing three bedroom units in many of the northern communities.
Overcrowding is noted to increase the risk of domestic violence and health risks including the current tuberculosis outbreaks.
Ontario releases anti racism strategy; includes collecting race based data
Ontario is focusing on tackling anti-black and anti-indigenous discrimination as well as Islamophobia in its newly released three-year strategy to combat systemic racism.
The plan includes collecting race-based data in the child welfare, justice and health sectors, as well as in education from kindergarten to Grade 12.
It will also create an “assessment framework” to help remove unconscious bias in certain programs, starting in the child welfare, justice and education sectors this spring.
UN says Standing Rock human rights ignored
A UN official who spent time at the opposition actions against the Dakota Access Pipeline says the rights of Standing Rock have not been addressed.
The Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Victoria Tauli-Corpuz says authorities used unnecessary force against water protectors, that the tribe was not properly consulted, and that issues such as trash left behind by water protectors has been blown out of proportion by local officials.
Tauli-Corpuz is set to make a report in September on the DAPL actions to the UN Human Rights Council.
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