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Jukasa News Update – Friday, August 28, 2020


The federal government is under fire for what critics say has been a delayed response in getting back-to-school funding to First Nations amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
On Wednesday, Ottawa announced up to $2 billion in back-to-school funding for provinces and territories, and another $112 million specifically for on-reserve schools.
The announcement came after Nishnawbe Aski Nation, which represents 49 Ontario First Nations, released a number of public statements accusing the government of dragging its feet on the issue.

A new alert system that will issue emergency messages to residents in five Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq communities is the first of its kind among Indigenous peoples in Canada, according to developers.
Jennifer Jesty, with the Union of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq, said chiefs will be able to send alerts in Mi’kmaq and in English to community members by text, phone and email.
Chiefs were in Membertou Thursday for a training session on how to use the alert system, which is scheduled to go live Sept. 1.

The only Native American on federal death row was put to death Wednesday, despite objections from many Navajo leaders who had urged President Donald Trump to halt the execution on the grounds it would violate tribal culture and sovereignty.
Lezmond Mitchell killed a 9-year-old child and her grandmother. The federal government under Trump, who boasts to be a pro-death penalty president has now carried out more executions in 2020 than it had in the previous 56 years combined.

The federal government is pledging $82.5 million to improve access and address growing demand for mental health services in Indigenous communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Access to many mental health services within Indigenous communities have been disrupted due to the pandemic, while some services have shifted to virtual and telehealth treatment options, creating obstacles for those living in remote communities that have limited connectivity.

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